First Run of Vorteks 223s From Arrma Quick Look Speedrun and Snowbash Ran Great!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 20

  • @ChocolatMousse
    @ChocolatMousse 20 дней назад +1

    What an awesome little car! Sure looks and handles great! The fact you got those speeds on such a cold day speaks very well of it. Plus, I didn't notice you getting any of the cut-off issues that many are reporting with the new 2-in-1 ESC. Thanks for the nice presentation!

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  20 дней назад +1

      Yes it really is a fun rc! No I haven't experienced any of the issues with either one of my 223s rc's. Both of mine have been working well. Thanks you for watching!!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @UrbanLegendRC
    @UrbanLegendRC 28 дней назад +1

    Joe this is a fantastic video showcasing the durability and More in this one. Keep grinding those videos out my friend. 🙌🏾👍🏾

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  28 дней назад

      Thanks Urban! It's been a fun rc so far...takin a bit of a beating too! Thanks for watching!!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @justkaylaaboo
    @justkaylaaboo 28 дней назад +1

    big likes and watching joe :)

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  28 дней назад

      I love when your watching!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @RCWalletVacuum
    @RCWalletVacuum Месяц назад +1

    She's a ripper! Everytime i see street run RC it reminds me of that Dirty Harry movie with the explosives laden RC car

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  28 дней назад +1

      Lol! They are so fast on asphalt...all of them...its fun to see how quick they can get to speed! Thanks for watching!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @RcPlayer-tt2vw
    @RcPlayer-tt2vw Месяц назад +3

    These trucks are the best right out box I’m going grab 4s kraton but I won’t be mad if I miss the sale and grab one the 223 I have plenty 4s escs , I seen guy put 4s in there I’d say the esc wont last long and add a fan if guys are going to try

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  Месяц назад

      Yes I have seen a couple people running on 4s with the stock esc also. If it doesn't kill the esc then it will be cool lol! I have a Kraron in my cart right now too lol! If the typhon 223s had a red n black color scheme I'd get one for sure. Thanks for watching! 💯🔥💥🚀

    • @CrystalPlantz
      @CrystalPlantz Месяц назад

      The 4s kraton are sweet. I've got 2. Been building a new one for a while now. But putting the new v6 6s motor n esc. Should be fast. The new 6s are doing 65mph out of the box. The 4s kraton is alot lighter than the 6s

  • @WoodsUnknown
    @WoodsUnknown Месяц назад +1

    Awesome rip Joe, do you have the typhon (not the grom) and does it fill up with snow and dirt like the rest? Would love a basher, just would like one that doesnt collect the whole yard like a vacuum.

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  Месяц назад +1

      I have the 6s version of it and it's not too bad. The body is pretty tight to the chassis on one of those. I don't have the 223s version just yet. Thanks for watching!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @scottbollinger3641
    @scottbollinger3641 4 дня назад

    How do you ratchet down those battery straps, like that?

  • @gonwalkabout03
    @gonwalkabout03 Месяц назад +1

    What ramp is that? Thanks in advance!

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  28 дней назад

      I'm not sure of the name brand but I got it off of Amazon. There is 3 different sizes and this one is the bigger of the 3. A couple nice features is that it adjusts for height and folds for storage. Thanks for watching!!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @2fast61
    @2fast61 26 дней назад +1

    There prices have went up.cant afford one

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  25 дней назад

      Yea they sure went up quickly! Everyone one way or another will be affected. Thank you for watching!!💯🔥💥🚀

  • @randylivengood3112
    @randylivengood3112 Месяц назад +1

    Between this and the Granite, which one is the favorite?

    • @JoeGerdingRc
      @JoeGerdingRc  Месяц назад +1

      I'm not sure as of yet. I need to run them both so.e more and maybe in some better weather. Both seem to be really fun! Thanks for watching!!💯🔥💥🚀